The Importance of Human Rights by Melisa Arzu Şişik



“Human rights are not a privilege conferred by the government. They are every human being’s entitlement by virtue of his humanity.” – Mother Teresa. Human Rights Day is a celebration and support day for the basic rights and freedom that every person is entitled to. Regardless of gender, religion, race, and ethnicity, this day represents the equality all humans should be treated with. For human rights to be universally protected, the declaration was sanctioned on December 10, 1948. Being the most translated document in the world, it has gained more popularity over the years. However, it is still important to have recognition of the day, even after 75 years, because it is a topic everyone should be reminded of every day. To spread awareness of Human Rights Day, issues such as the right to live and freedom should be raised.

Firstly, it is undeniable that a person’s right to live starts the minute they are born. Protected by the laws, it is the most basic right that every human being has. Nevertheless, it is also a right that can be easily violated. Unfortunately, even in today’s world, we can see examples of it. The countries that agreed to human rights are also the ones that are breaching them. Mostly by war, even innocent people are being brutally murdered. Compared to the old world, we live in the modern one now, but it seems like the term war will never come to an end. Hence, if we cannot stop wars, we need to change the consequences of them. People who have nothing to do with it should not face the horrible results. It must not be so easy to take this important right from a person.

Secondly, freedom is not dependent on an individual’s features. To be more specific, the freedom of a person cannot be taken away because of one's national or social origin, color, religion, or sex. Thus, it is no one's right to decide on a human being's freedom. Sadly, we have had lots of examples of it in the past. People have gone through very bad things because of their traits, and especially, their freedom was taken away. Again, I think it is important to compare the past and previous times because we should learn something from the past and be sensitive about it. People have made mistakes and committed inhumane acts in the past, but it can be said that today’s people are much more educated. Therefore, we should know about the freedom one has. Unless it violates another person’s right to freedom, everybody is free.

            To sum up, every human being should know the importance of Human Rights Day. We should have our basic rights, like the right to live and freedom, so we can do something in cases of injustice and inequality. Also, it is important to help and defend those rights for every other human being. No one lives just for themselves. People are born with those rights; no one should be able to take them away.


Melisa  Arzu Şişik E2

*Image created by Bing

